virgo venus is currently open for submissions.
in general submissions, we’re always open to the following:
mixed media
crayola doodles
stuff that does not fit in the above list in such a neat and orderly fashion! i.e. a series of text messages, the stuff in your notes app, a random post-it not you found with an incomplete thought written on it, expired film, your journal entries from 2006, other stuff. whatever. you get the idea. if we were to create a mood board or say “we do have a particular affinity for” this type of thing, it would be: astrology (obviously), hardcore, the divine feminine, cultural criticisms, grannies, lyrical genius, conversations on gender roles, green juice, hot takes on modern relationships, grunge, making friends while traveling, the human experience, shoegaze, stargazing, oversharing, over-priced coffee, screaming, personal details, 35mm film, public transit, empathy, sharpies, teddy bears, grocery stores, laundry, maximalism, scrapbooking, metal, babydoll dresses, noise, mess, having a nervous breakdown after playing the song “creep” over and over again, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
but we also have open calls for the following newly-launched submission categories:
double exposed
have a poem or short story that was published in a now-defunct lit mag or publication? or maybe your piece was only ever published in print and you’d like for the entire internet to see it. this category is for you. think of this submission category as a virtual reading. we want to see you READ your previously published piece aloud in your home. please submit a video (formatted for IG Reels or Tik Tok) of you reading your piece in under 90 seconds.
wish you were here
who do you long for? write a letter to a person you miss. what was the thing that made you miss them? where were you? what did you wish you could say? use the following format for your title: thinking of WHO at PLACE. or if you need more examples: thinking of MY EX at the SPANISH MCDONALD’S. or if you need even more examples: thinking of MY KINDERGARTEN TEACHER at MY ABORTION. please keep these submissions under 1,000 words.
a tree falls in a forest
if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, how would you describe it? in this category, we’re seeking lyrical portraits of any noise. it could be the noise of your annoying younger brother breathing, the seagulls at the beach, or your upstairs neighbor’s stomping. pick a sound and write a little ode to it in around 500-800 words. all submissions in this category will be published. unless they’re extremely offensive, etc. please don’t make us regret this decision, but we’re really dedicated to noise.
how to submit:
send us an email at VIRGOVENUSPRESS at GMAIL dot COM with your work or pitch. please include a cover letter, bio, and a 1 song soundscape to be featured alongside your work. please paste your work into the body of an email. we do not click on links or attachments.
simultaneous submissions are accepted but please notify us immediately if a piece is accepted elsewhere. work previously published in any form (with the exception of double exposed submissions) cannot be considered. ty <3