in astrology, venus rules love, beauty, and pleasure. it tells us what we’re attracted to and how we express ourselves. 

you might know the archetype of virgo, an earth sign known for being detail-oriented, reliable, and somewhat critical. to have venus in virgo is considered a placement at its “fall.” color-coordinated-file-folder-system virgo is not so comfy in romantic, grand-gesture venus. the two don’t go together. and yet, they do. 

venus in virgo people might consider acts of service their love language. they value structure. form. they’d typically rather be alone than settle for anything less than EXACTLY the thing they desire. they value doing things a certain way—whatever that way is, only they can say.

this is a really long way of explaining that virgo venus press seeks genre-bending work that we can fall in love with. we like it when you play with form. template. found materials. whatever. create a collage with stick glue. we wanna see things that don’t go together put together in a way that just makes sense. we don’t know what it is we’re looking for, but we’ll know it when we see it.

kassie lives and writes in brooklyn. mostly. she is the founding editor of virgo venus press.

her poems and stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Thimble Lit Mag, Hobart Pulp, Rejection Letters, and other literary journals. she is currently querying her first novel, which is complete at 79,503 words. if you’d like to spontaneously give her a book deal, that’d be really great. you can find her on the internet @dontcallmekass.