top 5 songs for starting a lit mag
with virgo venus’ founding editor, kassie rene.
why’d you start virgo venus press?
boredom, mostly.
what’s the deal with the top 5 playlists?
top 5 is an “homage” (vomits into hands for using that word) to nick hornby’s high fidelity. i’m obsessed with the book. the movie. the series. i like the idea of short playlists surrounding a theme. i like nick horny’s work. i like his obvious obsession with music. i like how evident that is in his books, which are not even necessarily about music (IMO). i want virgo venus to be a place where creative interests blend into one another. art inspiring other art, blah blah blah. 5 questions. 5 songs.
why these 5 songs?
i dunno, man. mazzy star sounds right. “anyone can play guitar” because anyone can write. also, i do wanna be in a band when i get to heaven. also, i do wanna be jim morrison. or i wanna be the jim morrison of literature. i wanna be a rock star, and i don’t even play music. which leads us to hole. you get the idea.
do you realize you’re interviewing yourself?
yeah, isn’t that embarrassing?
does that count as a question?
no, but this one does. i think.
kassie’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Thimble Lit Mag, Hobart Pulp, Rejection Letters, and other literary journals. she is currently querying her first novel, which is complete at 79,503 words. if you’d like to spontaneously give her a book deal, that’d be really great. you can find her on the internet @dontcallmekass.